Your Partner for your career development.
Management courses | HR Coaching | Developement | Riga
Actual Courses
Personāla vadības skola
16. oktobrī sākam ikgadējo “Personāla vadības skolu” –praktisku personāla vadības kursu 3 mēnešu garumā, kas ir domāts gan iesācējiem, gan arī pieredzējušiem personāla vadītājiem.
Desmit nodarbību laikā dalībniekiem ir iespēja apgūt un uztrenēt personāla vadītāju zināšanas un prasmes, gūt motivāciju un rast risinājumus šī brīža izaicinājumiem.

About TopLeader

Topleader is a company, which was established to develop your professional skills and to increase the demand for you on the job market.
We are specialized on the middle and top personnel management niche (Further- HR). Our courses are for groups as well as corporate clients.
Our company is focused to teach all skills through practical exercises.
You will receive professional mentoring, exchange experiences with experts, develop your skills and get acquainted with the latest HR news.
If you decide to grow your skills or gather the knowhow from leading HR experts, then contact us and we will find you the best suiting coaching to improve your knowledge and help to achieve new heights in your career.
“Visit a course” is not about us. At Topleader you will only receive practical knowledge for every day.

Elizabetes iela 9-72, Rīga
SIA "SIA TopLeader"
Reg. num 40103186277
VAT. num LV40103186277
Reg. address: Elizabetes 9-72, Rīga LV-1010
Address: Maskavas 222a-18, Rīga, LV-1019
Account: LV96HABA0551021945994